-SpaceWhale223- Map Protocol:华人雄起,跨链江湖
Olga: Web2大姐大,对web3有许多问号 Chenr: 局气晨儿姐,爱好看热闹 James XYC: 掷地有声的NB华人基建builder 十分钟带你了解: 1. MapProtocol是什么? 2.就最近a16z和Jump在uniswopDAO上的投票之争,衍生了好多问题:包括DAO组织最终会以什么样貌治理,资本在去中心化的世界里承担的角色,华人项目多么忍辱负重的拖着鄙视链的十字架。 3. 体力量的崛起是大势所趋。个体(KOL)已在舆论场上呈现了和资本抗衡的话语权。BusyWhale的机制,还将在定价机制上,给予个体与资本平等的话语权。这会让真正优秀的、受认可的项目脱颖而出。
Strategic Partnership with Satori
BusyWhale is thrilling to announce the partnership with @SatoriResearch, one of the most reputable crypto trading veterans! In synergy with Busywhale’s professional RFQ system, Satori would explore a much wider spectrum of strategies, which will benefit all players in trading!
What Is WOO Network (WOO)?
name: WOO
developer: Jack Tan and Mark Pimentel.
init_release: 2020-10-30T00:00:00+0000
max_supply: 3000000000
description: WOO Network is a deep liquidity network connecting traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms with democratized access to the best-in-class liquidity and trading execution at lower or zero cost. WOO Token is used in the network’s CeFi and DeFi products for staking and fee discounts.
What is Tether?
name: USDT
developer: Craig Sellers
init_release: 2014-10-06T14:39:15+0000
max_supply: 3000000000
description: Tether (USDT) is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar. Currently the most popular stablecoin in the market, USDT is backed 100% by actual assets in the Tether platform’s reserve account. Each unit of USDT has a monetary value of US$1. USDT provides protection from the volatility of cryptocurrencies.
What is Chainlink?
name: LINK
developer: Sergey Nazarov, Steve Ellis
init_release: 2017-06-01T00:00:00+0000
license: MIT License
written_in: Solidity, GoLang
max_supply: 1000000000
description: Chainlink is a fully decentralised oracle network powered by the LINK cryptocurrency. One of the first networks to allow the integration of off-chain data into smart contracts, Chainlink enables smart contracts to send payments to bank accounts and other payment networks. It also connects smart contracts to the data sources and APIs they need to function easily. Its ecosystem currently powers 1,000 project integrations with 700 oracle networks, giving access to over 1B data points and securing over US$75 billion in value for DeFi applications like Synthetix, Aave, and Compound, among others.
What is Ethereum?
name: ETH
developer: Ethereum Foundation
init_release: 2015-07-30T00:00:00+0000
license: Open-source licenses
written_in: Go, Rust, C#, C++, Java, Python, Nim, TypeScript
description: Ethereum is an open-source software platform that uses Ether (ETH) as the native digital currency and enables the creation of smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps) without downtime, fraud, control, or interference from a third party. As a programming language that’s Turing-complete and built on blockchain technilogy. Ethereum has helped developers build and publish decentralised assets, apps, and other services. It is currently the second-biggest cryptocurrency in the world, since it is the most-used blockchain platform so far.
What is Bitcoin?
name: BTC
developer: Satoshi Nakamoto
init_release: 2009-01-09T00:00:00+0000
license: MIT License
written_in: C++
max_supply: 21000000
description: Bitcoin (BTC) is the world’s first cryptocurrency built on distributed ledger (blockchain) technology, with a proof of work (PoW) mechanism that is not backed by any country’s central bank or government. It was founded by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym representing an individual or group of individuals, who published the white paper on October 31, 2008. It is currently the world’s biggest cryptocurrency, maintaining market dominance for the past decade.