Year: 2023

Risk Disclosure Statement

Risk Disclosure Statement IMPORTANT Trading in Virtual Assets and using the Services involve risks, some of which are set out below. These risks, and additional risks arising either now or in the future, could result in the loss, failure or destruction of your assets, inability to receive any benefits available to you, other losses and […]

Thousand Whales Privacy Policy

Thousand Whales Privacy Policy Thousand Whales Technology (BVI) Limited (“Thousand Whales”) provides an online trading platform through its website(s) to be launched from time to time (collectively known as the “xWhale Platform”) on which Thousand Whales provide its products and services. Thousand Whales and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Thousand Whales”, “we” “us” […]

Fee Structure

Fee Structure Note: The fee schedule provided below can be found on the official website of xWhale, and it will be periodically updated in accordance with market conditions. The Company will inform clients about any changes to the fee schedule at least three days prior to the implementation. 1.1 Trading Fee Trading Fee for Exchange […]


$TIP 第一纪元领币在即! 最近刷屏的 $tip 将于9月15日16:00 UTC(9月15日 00:00 UTC+8)开放领取空投! 到哪里交易你的 $tip?来BusyWhale用margin做空投交易吧,因为你甚至可以在领到空投前就进行交易!在BusyWhale,你可以用Margin锁定交易,若干天后SmartContract完成交割! 如何操作? 1、进入BusyWhale,注册登录并连接钱包 2、选择”开始交易“进入RFQ界面 3/4、如果你要发出offer:选择“LITE”模式并设置你的交易需求:买/卖/双边交易、币种、数量、结算方式和挂单时间,并选择“Margin”。系统将会为你寻找最优报价。 5、如果你想回应别人的报价:选择“PRO”模式,你将看到平台上所有的RFQ(当然,你也可以筛选出你想交易的币种)。 6、选择你想要交易的一个,输入你的报价并选择“Margin”。然后你就可以和你的交易对手讨价还价了。 Margin交易的好处是,当你和你的交易对手谈妥了价格,交易将被锁定,若干天后SmartContract完成交割。 你需要注意的是,将结算周期调整至你能领取到空投的时间后。这样一来,还需要担心对方跑路吗?

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