BusyWhale宣布与SOSHOW 战略合作!借助Soshow的技术支持,BusyWhale未来的每一场space都将空投NFT:SpaceWhale系列。Spacewhale的收集者,未来将享受BusyWhale交易中的若干福利!高质量space,listen2earn,即将开始!
我们今天荣幸地宣布,捕鲸船社区与海底巨兽社区达成战略合作关系!在联合举办每周分享会的基础上,双方在共同建设 Web3 的理念上达成共识。后续将举办一系列趣味活动,包括挖宝大赛,尽请期待。
Excited to announce the great partnership with CrossSpace
We are thrilled to announce strategic partnership with@CSpaceOfficial ! We will leverage on our strengths and cooperate in promotion, trading, products, and technology, and explore decentralized trading markets based on communities to bring in more high-quality Web3 communities!
The collaboration between Coinlive and Busywhale
Pleased to announce the collaboration with Coinlive, the leading platform of crypto news, analysis, events and currency information. BusyWhale + Coinlive will form up an crypto alliance with foreseeing a market place like Bloomberg shaping up in crypto industry.
High potential NFT will become the important product on BusyWhale in the future!
We are thrilled to announce the YieldDAO’s partnership with BusyWhale! Sharing the consistent philosophy in NFT’s value discovery and maintenance, we are going to corporate in many NFT incubations and primary market transactions. Coming soon!
BusyWhale Announced Milestone in System Development
Hong Kong. BusyWhale, the OTC liquidity aggregation platform, announced the phase I completion of the system development. Selected users will onboard for trades soon.
VVG Invested BusyWhale, the OTC Liquidity Aggregation Platform
Vovega (“VVG”), the crypto trading whale, has announced an investment in BusyWhale, an OTC liquidity aggregation platform. VVG is the lead investor of the seed funding.