Fees (Chinese Simplified)
费用 Maker 费用和 Taker 费用均为 5 bps (0.05%)。
Fees (English)
Fees The maker and taker fees are both 5 bps (0.05%).
About Us (Chinese Simplified)
关于 xWhale xWhale 是一套专业级别的场内场外交易系统,兼具订单簿(orderbook)和询价议价协议(RFQ and negotiation protocol)两个板块,支持各种加密产品,可满足机构及个人投资者各种复杂的交易需求。 xWhale 创始人及核心开发团队均为出身自JPMorgan、HSBC等国际一线投行的资深人士,在传统金融及Web3.0 均深耕多年,对虚拟资产、交易、金融产品、合规等方面的理解均为行业领先水平。 https://linktr.ee/xWhale
About Us (Chinese Traditional)
關於 xWhale xWhale 是一套專業級別的場內場外交易系統,兼具訂單簿(orderbook)和詢價議價協議(RFQ and negotiation protocol)兩個板塊,支持各種加密產品,可滿足機構及個人投資者各種複雜的交易需求。 xWhale 創始人及核心開發團隊均為出身自JPMorgan、HSBC等國際一線投行的資深人士,在傳統金融及Web3.0 均深耕多年,對虛擬資產、交易、金融產品、合規等方面的理解均為行業領先水平。 https://linktr.ee/xWhale
About Us (English)
About xWhale xWhale is a professional-level trading system with both orderbook and RFQ negotiation protocol, supporting a wide range of crypto products to meet the complex trading needs of institutional and individual investors. The core development team is composed of veterans from JPMorgan, HSBC, and other top-tier international investment banks, with years of experience in […]
Maintenance (English)
Sorry, xWhale is currently unavailable for maintenance. xWhale is currently performing system maintenance and the maintenance is expected to take approximately 1 hour. During the downtime, all assets deposits, withdrawals and trades will be temporarily suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause and appreciate your patience as we have upgraded our website to […]
Maintenance (Chinese Traditional)
抱歉,xWhale 正在進行維護 xWhale目前正在進行系統維護,預計系統維護需時1個小時。系統維護期間,所有幣種的充值、提現和交易功能將被暫停。對於由此給您帶來的任何不便,我們深表歉意,並感謝您的耐心等待,是次升級網站是為我們尊貴的客戶提供更好的客戶體驗。如果您有任何疑問或希望獲得進一步協助,請隨時透過 cs@xwhale.com 聯絡我們的客戶服務。
Maintenance (Chinese Simplified)
抱歉,xWhale 正在进行维护 xWhale目前正在进行系统维护,预计系统维护需时1个小时。系统维护期间,所有币种的充值、提现和交易功能将被暂停。对于由此给您带来的任何不便,我们深表歉意,并感谢您的耐心等待,是次升级网站是为我们尊贵的客户提供更好的客户体验。如果您有任何疑问或希望获得进一步协助,请随时透过 cs@xwhale.com 联络我们的客户服务。
BusyWhale Fee Schedule (one side)
Tokens Fees SAFT 1.00% SAFT Token 0.75% L-Token: 24hV<=[100k]U for past 3months 0.30% M-Token: 24hV<[100k]U and >=[500k]U for past 3months 0.08% H-Token: 24hV>[500k]U for past 3months 0.02%
Maintenance (Chinese)
抱歉,BusyWhale 正在维护中 我们预计很快就会回来。查看 https://discord.com/invite/j5gaZf9EG8 或关注 @BusyWhaleHK 获取更新。谢谢你的耐心!